The Toronto Trivia League (TTL) was formed in 1992, by Peter Mathieson. Peter built and ran it for the next 13 years. In 2005, Alex McDonald took over. Al retired in 2017, and Phil Rock took over the league. TTL is a 12-team, head-to-head, team-against-team, Monday night of fact-filled fun! TTL is for Trivia Nerds, Jeopardy lovers, and humans of every persuasion – as long as they like to answer questions about everything and... nothing. Our teams’ players consist of a variety of people, who come from all walks of life and who gather for a social evening with “like-minded, like-to-answer” folk. There are three, 11 week sessions per year, followed by a 4 to 6 week break and an end-of-season party in week 12.
TTL is not NTN Buzztime trivia machine play, where individuals use a “playmaker” to answer questions posted on a TV screen. Our six bars each have two teams of five players and a dedicated Quiz Master/Mistress (QM) to run the game every Monday night. All teams have their “home bar,” where they play half of the session’s games. For the rest of the games, each team plays “away” from their home bar, at the other participating bars. All bars are located in the East End and Beaches area of Toronto.